僕はこの学校のインターナショナル生徒です。正直この学校が一番いいともいます。 ここにはいっぱい良い友達がいます。ここの生徒たちはすごいやさしいです。僕は2011年に日本をはなれ英語の勉強のためにニュージランドに来ました。ここに来た時僕の英語はへたでした。でも一ヶ月ちょっとでこの学校になれました。僕の最初の友達はダンとよれんです。




"Hi my name is Masaya I’m an international student in St Heliers School and I got to say I think this school is the best. I have a lot of friends and they are really nice and friendly.


I left Japan on 2011 and came to New Zealand for my education. It wasn’t easy at the start because I was really bad with my English skills but after about a month I settled in quickly with my very first friends Dan and Yoran.


I really recommend coming to this school."

Masaya - 11 years old - (August 2014)


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河崎 敬夫


"I thought that it was good to come to this school because there were lots of different nationalities in New Zealand schools, unlike Japanese schools. I was surprised at the start.


When I entered school, my English was not good but I had various friends to help me. Above all, there are no fights in school so I am relieved to know this. There is not one shameful thing here at this school."

Hayao  - 12 years old - (August 2014)


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私はこの学校に来て良かったです。私はこの学校で驚いた事がたくさんあります それは、給食がないこと、せいふくがあること、皆、学校で明るい事とこの学校には、グランドと遊具があることです。他にも色々ありますがこの学校にはいっぱい優しい人がいます。ESOL(インターの生徒の教室)も楽しくやっています。私はもう1年2年ぐらいここにいたいです。

                              みの里 9歳

I’m glad I came to this school but there are a lot of things that I was surprised about. That is, there were no school lunches but there is a tuck shop, there were school uniforms, everyone’s happy in school, and there is a school field and a playground. There are lots more things that I was surprised about and there are a lot of kind students.


I’m also having fun at ESOL (special class for students from other countries). I really want to stay here for 1 or 2 years.

 Minori   9 years old - (August 2014)

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