

 DSC 0052圣海利斯学校(St Heliers School)以力臻完美为宗旨。我们的目标是引导和培养每一个学生,使他们在学校生活的各个领域发挥各自的潜能。学校和家庭密切的合作关系是实现该目标必不可少的条件。





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 As a close school community we value the contact with our parents and caregivers. Throughout the year we have meetings and interviews scheduled to talk about our pupil's progress.

Meet the teacher

Meet the Teachers Evening' happens early in Term 1 of each year.

Student Reports

Two written reports are issued for each student - one mid-year and one at the end of the year.

Parent / Teacher Interviews

Parent/Teacher interviews are scheduled when mid-year reports are issued. Staff are available to have informal chats before or after school for a few minutes.

Meetings with your child's teacher

If you require a longer time, you can contact the office and a time will be organised with the staff member concerned.

Staff have meetings after school on several days and will find a time that suits as soon as possible.

Accidents, Sickness and Prescribed Medicines

The school endeavours to minimise hazards and prevent accidents. From time to time, however, accidents do happen. The vast majority of accidents are minor so we will not notify parents. When an injury or illness is thought to be more serious, we will contact parents immediately. However, if the Principal or First Aid Officer considers the sickness or injury requires urgent medical attention, this will be sought immediately. The school needs current contact numbers for these times. Please ensure we always have these up-to-date numbers.

St Heliers School does supervise the taking of prescribed medicine in exceptional circumstances, i.e. when it is absolutely necessary that a student must take a prescribed medicine during school hours. Any request from parents for such medicine to be administered at school must be received in writing. A form for this purpose is available from the office. Supervision of the taking of the medicine will be by the designated First Aid Officer.


Area Health Board Testing for Hearing and Vision

A programme is conducted each term by the Auckland Area Health Board to screen for hearing or vision impairments. Parents are contacted if any hearing or vision issues arise.


Dental Clinic, Point England (Phone 570 4309)

Free dental treatment is offered to children over two and a half years through a scheme provided by Waitemata Health. The St Heliers Clinic is no longer open.


Public Health Nurse

The Public Health Nurse for our school visits the school regularly and students can be referred through the classroom teacher and the Deputy Principal.



St Heliers School News