

 DSC 0052圣海利斯学校(St Heliers School)以力臻完美为宗旨。我们的目标是引导和培养每一个学生,使他们在学校生活的各个领域发挥各自的潜能。学校和家庭密切的合作关系是实现该目标必不可少的条件。





At St Heliers School, we have high expectations of the way that our students should behave and how they treat each other, their teachers and anyone else they have contact with. 

Students should:

  1. Uphold the School Values.
  2. Always address staff and other adults as Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss.
  3. Adhere to the Dress Code.
  4. Always complete classwork and homework to the best of their ability.
  5. Always allow others to work without being distracted.
  6. Bring a note for any absence from school.
  7. Put classroom equipment back where it belongs.
  8. Move around the school quietly in class lines during instructional periods.
  9. Always be seated to eat lunch. Lunch eating time is a quiet time.
  10. Return sports equipment to the sports shed.
  11. Lock any bicycle ridden to school.
  12. Adhere to bell times.

horiz line

The following are not permitted at St Heliers School:

  1. Students in classrooms before the 8:30am bell.
  2. Students in classrooms at play and lunchtime without teacher supervision.
  3. Chewing gum, fizzy drinks or lollies.
  4. Toys of any description unless approved by the class teacher.
  5. Littering.
  6. Running around corners on hard surfaces.
  7. Shoes in the library.
  8. Kicking of large balls other than on the field.
  9. Students in the Staff car park.
  10. Students in the following areas: behind Rooms 1 - 6 and Rooms 7 - 12.
  11. Food in the hall.
  12. Playing with balls in classrooms.
  13. Climbing trees.
  14. Mobile Phones and Smart Watches.  If parents wish their child to bring a mobile phone to school, you must seek permission from the class teacher if your child needs a mobile phone at school. For most, it is for communication with parents after school regarding mode of transport home. Mobile phones are not to be used during school hours and must be handed in to the class teacher before school and picked up after school. It is the child’s responsibility to do this.  If a smart watch has the same functionality as a mobile phone the rules are the same as a mobile phone, which is permission is sought by parents and they are to be handed in to the class teacher.  The simple and obvious reason that children cannot have mobile phones and smart watches on their person during the day is for internet safety.
  15. Riding of bikes and scooters within the school grounds during school hours and on the artifical turf at any time.
  16. Cigarettes, vapes, alcohol and drugs.
  17. Any item that is widely regarded as being unsuitable to bring to school, mainly for health or safety reasons e.g. matches, fireworks, skateboards, knives, electronic products.



Home Zone

All students who live within the home zone shown on the list of roads published on the School Zone page shall be entitled to enrol at the school.

阅读全文: How to Enrol


If your child is absent for that day there are a number of ways absences can be reported to the school.

  • Email the school office
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For safety reasons it is most important that we can account for students who are absent from his or her classroom.

The Attendance Register is called at the beginning of the day.

St Heliers school building

For safety reasons it is most important that we can account for students who are absent from his or her classroom.

Leave of Absence

Schools have a legal responsibility to ensure that the attendance of all pupils is satisfactory. Attendance records of all pupils are faithfully maintained in the register and an audit is carried out each year. From time to time, parents may wish to take their children out of school for an extended period of time.  A 'Student Leave Request Form' must be completed in advance of any planned trips during term time.  These forms are available here

To ensure that a place is retained for your child or children, and as a matter of courtesy, you must request leave of absence from the school in writing. Without leave authority, we are required to remove a pupil from the roll after 20 days' absence.

St Heliers School News