

 DSC 0052圣海利斯学校(St Heliers School)以力臻完美为宗旨。我们的目标是引导和培养每一个学生,使他们在学校生活的各个领域发挥各自的潜能。学校和家庭密切的合作关系是实现该目标必不可少的条件。






오늘저는생애유학을오게 St Heliers school 대하여이야기를보려고합니다. 저는뉴질랜드에와서St Heliers school 이라는학교에다니고, Room 23학생이되어행운이라고생각합니다.   뉴질랜드에오기전에 St Heliers school 관한이야기를듣고기대를많이했었는데,기대이상이라고생각합니다.


St Heliers school와서가장좋다고생각하는점은교육방식입니다.   여기에서는아이들의창의력과개성을키울있는활동 (이야기짓기와같은) 많이해서좋습니다.


저는개인적으로 Morning Tea 마음에듭니다.   학생들이음식을섭취함으로서공부를있게끔기력을복돋아준다는선생님들의마인드가바람직한같군요.  


이곳의학교는자유로운같습니다.   선생님과학생들이거리감없이친구처럼지내는것이인상깊었습니다.   친절하신선생님들을만나게되어기쁩니다.


요즘저는하루하루가너무행복합니다.   좋은친구들도많이사귀었고, 다들저를많이배려해줍니다.  앞으로도 St Heliers school 에서좋은추억을많이만들었으면좋겠습니다.


상희 11


Today, I'll going to tell you about my study as an international student at St Heliers School. I think I'm so lucky to go to St Heliers School and to be a student in Room 23. Before I came to New Zealand I heard the story about St Heliers School. I expected a lot, but it is above expectation.


I came to St Heliers School and I think the teachers' way of teaching is the best way in education. In addition, students' creative activities help to raise their levels of education. Personally, I like morning tea. The students can gain strength by exercising and eating so they can study better.


I think this school is very relaxed and I am happy to meet my kind teacher. Teachers and students are talking as if they were friends; it is impressive. Nowadays, I am so happy. I have some good friends, and I have a lot of people who care about me. I would like to continue the wonderful life at St Heliers School.

Sanghee - 11 years (July 2014)


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저는 St.Heliers 스쿨에서의 학교 생활에 대해 얘기 하려고 합니다.

처음에는 많이 긴장되고 두려웠는데 아이들과 선생님들 모두 친절해서 금방 적응할 수 있었습니다.


우리 학교는 컴퓨터실, 도서관, 강당, 잔디 운동장등 편리하고 깨끗한 환경을 가지고 있습니다.


그리고 응원단, 합창단, 스포츠, 악기, 미술 등 다양하고 재미있는 활동을 할 수 있어서 좋습니다.


저는 게임과 실험을 통한 재미있는 수학과 다양한 재료를 사용해 표현력을 키우는 미술이 재미있습니다.

저는 세인트 헬리어스 스쿨에 있는 게 정말 행복합니다.


I'm going to tell you about my school life in St.Heliers School.

At first, I was too nervous but I settled in the school quickly  because all the teachers and my friends were very friendly.

Our school has lots of convenient and clean environment like the  ITC room, school hall, library, field and play grounds.

Also, we can do lots of fun activities like cheer-leading, choir, sports, instruments and art...etc.
I like mathematics that involves games and experiments and art using various materials which helps us to improve our powers of expression.

I'm really happy to be at St.Heliers school.


Ji Eun - 10 years - July 2014


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僕はこの学校のインターナショナル生徒です。正直この学校が一番いいともいます。 ここにはいっぱい良い友達がいます。ここの生徒たちはすごいやさしいです。僕は2011年に日本をはなれ英語の勉強のためにニュージランドに来ました。ここに来た時僕の英語はへたでした。でも一ヶ月ちょっとでこの学校になれました。僕の最初の友達はダンとよれんです。




"Hi my name is Masaya I’m an international student in St Heliers School and I got to say I think this school is the best. I have a lot of friends and they are really nice and friendly.


I left Japan on 2011 and came to New Zealand for my education. It wasn’t easy at the start because I was really bad with my English skills but after about a month I settled in quickly with my very first friends Dan and Yoran.


I really recommend coming to this school."

Masaya - 11 years old - (August 2014)


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河崎 敬夫


"I thought that it was good to come to this school because there were lots of different nationalities in New Zealand schools, unlike Japanese schools. I was surprised at the start.


When I entered school, my English was not good but I had various friends to help me. Above all, there are no fights in school so I am relieved to know this. There is not one shameful thing here at this school."

Hayao  - 12 years old - (August 2014)


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私はこの学校に来て良かったです。私はこの学校で驚いた事がたくさんあります それは、給食がないこと、せいふくがあること、皆、学校で明るい事とこの学校には、グランドと遊具があることです。他にも色々ありますがこの学校にはいっぱい優しい人がいます。ESOL(インターの生徒の教室)も楽しくやっています。私はもう1年2年ぐらいここにいたいです。

                              みの里 9歳

I’m glad I came to this school but there are a lot of things that I was surprised about. That is, there were no school lunches but there is a tuck shop, there were school uniforms, everyone’s happy in school, and there is a school field and a playground. There are lots more things that I was surprised about and there are a lot of kind students.


I’m also having fun at ESOL (special class for students from other countries). I really want to stay here for 1 or 2 years.

 Minori   9 years old - (August 2014)

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入学手续 Enrolment process


To find out more about our school, browse our website, or view our prospectus and International Student Programme.




Brochure St Heliers schoolSt Heliers School Prospectus 《圣海利斯学校校情简介》    

 Brochure St Heliers schoolSt Heliers School International Student Programme  Chinese    《圣海利斯学校国际学生项目》


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圣海利斯学校国际学生申请流程: To become an international student at St Heliers School, follow these steps:


1. Complete Application form and Contractual Agreement:

            PDF download Application Form and Enrolment Agreement between St Heliers School, the Applicant's Parents, and the Student



1. Click on the Application Form and Enrolment Agreement to download.


2. Click on Open in Acrobat Reader (top right hand corner of screen).
Acrobat Reader中打开链接(屏幕右上角)

3. Click on Purple pen - Fill and sign (right hand side of screen).
点击笔的图标 - 填写申请表(在屏幕的右边)

4. Who needs to sign first? Click on Me

5. Fill in the spaces on the Application Form and Enrolment Agreement.

6. Save, Print and Sign.

7. Email signed copy of Enrolment Agreement to the school.



Before signing the Contractual Agreement, please read the following documents:


Code of Conduct for International Students at St Heliers School    圣海利斯学校学校国际生行为准则

Disciplinary Policy for International Students at St Heliers School

Refund Policy 

Fee Protection Policy 

Procedures for International Students

   PDF downloadInternational Students' Price List 2021


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请递交申请表及以下文件 Please send the following documentation with your application:

  • Copy of your child's latest school report for social and academic progress.近期学生学习机行为报告,就读证明,成绩单

  • Certified copy of the school report in English. 上述文件的复印件及翻译件.\

  • Copy of the front page of the passports of the student and the parent. 学生及陪读父母的护照首页复印件

  • Copy of the student's birth certificate. 学生出生证明及亲属关系证明复印件

  • Copy of the student's immunization certificates, including the MMR vaccination


    There are currently outbreaks of measles in New Zealand.   

     Ministry of Health 2019 Measles Outbreak Information     

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2. Receive invoice for fees. 收到缴费清单


3. Pay fees into the school bank account.  缴费至学校指定银行账户


4. Receive Receipt from the school and Offer of Place, subject to visa.  收到缴费收据及入学通知(基于这些材料进行学生签证申请) 


5. Apply to New Zealand Immigration for Student visa (if enrolment is longer than 3 months) 申请新西兰学生签证(如果距离入学时间大于3




6. The school must receive copies of Student visas as soon as they are issued.  收到学生签证批复后应立即递交给学校


7. Health and Travel Insurance 健康及旅行保险


All international students must have appropriate medical and travel insurance from when they leave their home country until they return to their home country. For further details. Click here.


所有国际学生必须持有适当有效的旅游医疗保险,保险日期自离开他们国家的日期开始至返回到他们国家的日期为止。进一步详细的信息请点击此处链接 Click here.


8. School Uniform 校服


St Heliers School requires students to dress in a school uniform. 我校要求学生必须穿本校校服。

The average cost of a school uniform is $350.00. 校服大概费用为250纽币。


School Uniform Price List 校服价格列表


St Heliers School is a signatory to the Education (Pastoral Care of International Students) Code of Practice 2016. 我校遵循新西兰教育职业守则(关于对国际生精神关怀部分)


St Heliers School has verification from NZQA that our school meets the quality standards of pastoral care as set out in the Code. 我校相关资质已获得新西兰学历评估委员会认证



PDF download Education (Pastoral Care of International Students) Code of Practice 2016, including 2019 Amendments - Chinese 新西兰教育职业守则(关于对国际生精神关怀部分)中文版


PDF downloadSummary of the Code of Practice in Chinese 新西兰教育职业守则核心内容(中文版)



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Policies for International Students


Accommodation Policy for International Students

International Student Refund Policy

Code of Conduct for International Students at St Heliers School

International Student Disciplinary Policy

International Student Refund Policy

Medical and Travel Insurance Policy for International Students

International Student Fee Protection Policy


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Procedures for International Students



PDF download Grievance Procedures for International Students


PDF download How to make a complaint


PDF download Procedures for Accident and Emergency


PDF download Procedures for Managing Attendance and Withdrawal


PDF download Procedures for Orientation and Pastoral Care Programme


PDF download Procedures for when an international student is admitted to hospital



The Procedures for international students need to be read by parents of international students as part of the enrolment process. 国际生的家长在入学之前必须仔细阅读国际生入学申请流程。



St Heliers School News