

 DSC 0052圣海利斯学校(St Heliers School)以力臻完美为宗旨。我们的目标是引导和培养每一个学生,使他们在学校生活的各个领域发挥各自的潜能。学校和家庭密切的合作关系是实现该目标必不可少的条件。





Jill Eggleton


jilleEarlier this term our Year 0-2 children were lucky enough to have a fabulous afternoon of storytelling and poetry with Jill Eggleton. They had some fabulous questions to ask Jill about her life as a published children's author and were able to see the process involved in creating a published story. They were able to share her latest book in the early stages of illustrating and publishing.

The junior teachers have also spent an evening working with Jill to further support and celebrate young writers in their classrooms.

A huge thank you to Jill Eggleton for visiting our school, Mrs Jackie Lyon for helping to facilitate the visit and finally our Year 0-2 staff for their continued desire to create the best writing opportunities for our children.
Mrs Wood, Y0-2 Team Leader

St Heliers School News