SHS Swimming Sports
Year 4 - 6 Thursday 6 March
Year 7 & 8 Friday 7 March
Why St Heliers?
St Heliers School offers the highest standards of education for primary and intermediate school students.
St Heliers is a school that strives for excellence. Our aim is to guide and nurture each student to reach their potential in all areas of school life. Our academic programme is designed to support and extend all learners.
We believe in nurturing students not only academically, but also emotionally and socially, to ensure their well-rounded development. Integral to achieving this aim is having a close partnership between home and school.
St Heliers School offers a diverse range of programmes to challenge and inspire students, including second language learning, science specialisation, musical instrument tuition and sporting events.
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Discover more about our amazing school
The school is a community that is innovative and encouraging, where sound values underpin all school activities.
Being a full primary (Years 1 to 8) we are in a unique position to see the development of the students from young bright-eyed 5-year-olds to young adolescents. From the earliest stages of their schooling, students are encouraged to be independent, responsible learners.
Our School
Terehu is our team of new entrants year 0 and 1 children. This is when our children begin their journey at school and experience the foundations of learning.
They will learn how to build positive relationships with other children and staff. The structured learning programme is focused on Reading, Writing and Maths whilst introducing aspects of the other areas of the curriculum through Inquiry Learning.
We encourage the children to explore and develop their knowledge and skills through a wide and varied range of experiences, resources and excellent facilities.
Children are introduced to the school values which form the basis of our school expectations. The aim is to nurture a love of learning that will continue for the rest of their lives.
Popokanua is our team of year 2 and 3 children. The children are supported to become more independent and aware of their capabilities.
They are beginning to develop closer friendships and understand the importance of kindness and inclusivity.
They are expanding their understanding of literacy and numeracy and work both independently and collaboratively. The children are applying these literacy and numeracy skills across the integrated curriculum.
School values underpin all learning experiences both inside and outside the classroom. Children now have an understanding of how our values support the school expectations.
Paikea is our team of year 4 and 5 children. The children are supported to become more independent and aware of their capabilities.
They are beginning to develop closer friendships and understand the importance of kindness and inclusivity.
They are expanding their understanding of literacy and numeracy and work both independently and collaboratively. The children are applying these literacy and numeracy skills across the integrated curriculum.
School values underpin all learning experiences both inside and outside the classroom. Children now have an understanding of how our values support the school expectations.
Pakakē is our team of year 6 children. The children are supported in building resilience and perseverance in the face of challenges, both academically and socially.
They are demonstrating increased self-awareness and understanding personal strengths and areas for growth as they develop learner agency.
They are strengthening their application of literacy and numeracy skills through critical thinking tasks and real-life applications encompassing the full curriculum.
Respect for diverse perspectives and cultural backgrounds is evident through inclusive behavior. Children refer to the relevant school values to reinforce their decision-making at this level of the school.
Kākahi is our intermediate years, which is our team of Year 7 and 8 students. They are given the best opportunities to extend and develop their leadership skills and they are extremely capable, independent learners.
The students are working within their classrooms and with specialist teachers for multiple subjects each week. These include Languages, Technology and a Science Curriculum specialist.
Students are learning to manage their time effectively, and developing organisation, study and decision-making skills. The team works together towards the common goal of achieving success personally, socially and academically during the intermediate years in preparation for the transition to College.
Students become role models for the school values, promoting a positive school culture within the wider community.