Classroom Teachers

Teachers are available for short chats between 8:30 am - 8:50 am and straight after school on most days.  If you need a longer conversation with a teacher, please make arrangements with them directly.

St Heliers School staff are chosen for their professionalism, passion and dedication.

Several of our staff have been at the school for many years and liken it to a family. We have approximately 60 people on our team, who work across all areas of the school.

Alongside our classroom teachers, we have specialist support staff (for reading recovery and learning needs), office administrators, IT, Library  and Resource personnel, Language Centre teachers for ESOL and International students, and our Property Manager.  Everyone is committed to delivering the best possible outcomes for all the children in our care.

Leadership Team

Our team is led by our Principal, Sean Valvoi; Deputy Principal, Alex Wood and Deputy Principal Kylie Dawson. Between them, they have many years of combined teaching experience.


Bottle Nose Dolphin

Year 0-1

Year 2


Southern Humpback Whale

Year 3

Year 4


Brydes Whale

Year 5

Year 6



Year 7

Year 8

ESOL & International

  • ESOL Assistant

  • ESOL Assistant

Specialist & Part Time

  • Mandarin Language Assistant

Support Staff

  • Resource Room Assistant

Learning Assistants

  • Learning Assistant

  • Learning Assisant

  • Learning Assisant

  • Learning Assisant

  • Learning Assisant

  • Learning Assistant