Senior Years at St Heliers

St Heliers School offers the highest standards of education for primary and intermediate school students.

We celebrate the advantage of having our senior students continue their education for their intermediate schooling. This creates a seamless transition in a supportive and nurturing environment, enabling us to extend the children in a familiar setting whilst fostering existing relationships.

Teachers in the Kākahi Team (Year 7&8) look forward to learning alongside the students during their Intermediate years. Our team is dedicated to supporting and caring for all our students, and this is at the heart of every decision made. Working together ensures the students are given the best opportunities to thrive.

Multiple opportunities for leadership throughout the school exist for our senior students. 

Our students are extremely capable, independent learners, who are learning to manage their time effectively. The greatest successes come when parents, teachers and students all work together towards the common goal - achieving success personally, socially and academically during the intermediate years.

As a team, we believe consistency is key, in relation to both learning and behaviour. While each teacher brings their own individuality to their classroom, there are many aspects you can expect to see in every class. 

In Year 7&8 the students have Tech offsite at Selwyn College and a Science Specialist and Mandarin teacher who work onsite with each class weekly. 

Growing Together, Thriving Forever:
Journeying Through Primary Years at St Heliers School