Growing Up at St Heliers

St Heliers School offers the highest standards of education for primary and intermediate school students.

From the moment our youngest students join us after their fifth birthday, we are very conscious of our duty of care.  This duty encompasses not only promoting a lifelong love of learning but also ensuring an environment in which children’s well being is nurtured and their needs are met.

Our older students are asked to take on responsibilities which see them looking after their younger counterparts. This pastoral care teaches them to think of others, show empathy and give reassurance.

The teachers and other staff encourage the children to always try their best, learn from their mistakes and show honour and respect towards each other.  At our school, they will develop many of the values that will shape their futures. In essence, they are learning how to grow up. 

Our role is to be excellent models for the children in our care and to steer them towards making good choices in their learning, social behaviour and communication.  At the end of their time with us, we aim to create well-rounded, self-aware and conscientious learners.

On this journey, children need to know that if they fall, they will be caught, and if they take a wrong turn, they will be guided back onto the best path for them as individuals. That reassurance is an important part of growing up at St Heliers School.

Growing Together, Thriving Forever:
Journeying Through Primary Years at St Heliers School