Digital Learning
The school curriculum is made up of eight essential learning areas that are prescribed by the Ministry of Education.
The primary benefit of e-learning (learning facilitated through the use of digital technologies) is to give students the skills, strategies and experiences to achieve success in the modern digital world.
“Digital devices have the potential to expand and enhance interaction in the classroom, enable more real-world activities, improve learning environments and engage students in new and exciting ways. Opportunities for collaboration and problem-solving are expanded beyond the classroom in an online environment” (Ministry of Education).
The Board significantly invests in ICT technology. As a school, we aim to provide students with exposure and access to a range of different types of devices throughout their years at school. We aim to provide them with flexible skills that can be adapted to suit a wide range of applications preparing them for success at High School and beyond.
The school has an Internet Safety Policy, which is reviewed regularly in order to maintain the safety of students online. Digital citizenship and cyber safety are interwoven throughout the school curriculum beginning right from Year 1.
My Mobile Learning (MML)
Children from Y5-8 are able to bring an approved electronic device to school which is for their personal use in the classroom. There are guidelines around the use and how the electronic device can best be used to support learning. Every child must sign a MML Agreement before their device can be connected to the school system. Classroom teachers keep all MML agreements for their class.
Children use the school Google Platform for their learning and may only use their school Gmail account during school hours and when onsite. Our School Google Suite is protected and monitored by Linewize and managed by our IT Technician and Deputy Principal.
MML is entirely optional. Students will continue to have access to school-owned devices.
The thinking behind MML at St Heliers School is that students who have access to an existing suitable device at home, bring their device to school to use as one of the many learning tools utilised in their classroom programme.
This allows funds, which would normally be spent on classroom devices for students, to be freed up to spend on other resources for the benefit of all students.
Inquiry Learning
For your information, we have put together documentation, including: