Expectations of Students
At St Heliers School, we have high expectations of the way that our students should behave and how they treat each other, their teachers, and anyone else they have contact with.
Students should:
Uphold the School Values.
Always address staff and other adults as Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss.
Adhere to the Dress Code.
Always complete classwork and homework to the best of their ability.
Always allow others to work without being distracted.
Move around the school quietly in class lines during instructional periods.
Always be seated to eat morning tea and lunch.
Lock any bicycle/scooter ridden to school and a helmet must be worn to and from school
Adhere to bell times.
The following are not permitted at St Heliers School:
Students in classrooms before the 8:30am bell.
Students in SAT Room, Dance and Drama Room, classrooms or the hall at playtime and lunchtime without teacher supervision
Chewing gum, fizzy drinks or lollies.
Toys of any description unless approved by the class teacher.
Running around corners on hard surfaces.
Shoes in the library.
Contact games without adult supervision and a mouth guard
Leaving school grounds during school without permission
Kicking of large balls other than on the artificial turf
Students in the Staff car park.
Students in the following areas: behind Rooms 1 - 6 and Rooms 7 - 12.
Food in the hall or on the artificial turf
Drinks other than water on the artificial turf
Playing with balls in classrooms.
Climbing trees.
Mobile phones or cameras (mobile phones are not permitted at school unless a parent requests, in writing to the class teacher, that a mobile phone be brought to school for personal safety reasons. In such circumstances the student must turn off their phone immediately upon entering school grounds and not turn it on again until they have departed from the school grounds. Phones must be given to the class teacher in the morning and it is the student’s responsibility to collect it at the end of the day)
Riding of bikes and scooters within the school grounds during school hours and on the artifical turf at any time.
Cigarettes, vapes, alcohol and drugs.
Any item that is widely regarded as being unsuitable to bring to school, mainly for health or safety reasons e.g. matches, fireworks, skateboards, knives, electronic products.
Expectations of Parents, Caregivers & Visitors
St Heliers School is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for students, staff, and visitors.
Our Code of Conduct serves as a reminder to all parents, caregivers, and school visitors that their conduct must support everyone’s emotional and physical well-being, and not harm it in any way. The school’s board has set this Code of Conduct for our school.
The Code of Conduct applies:
to all conduct, speech, and action, and includes emails, texts, phone calls, social media, or other communication
while on school grounds or at another venue where students and/or staff are assembled for school purposes (such as a camp or sports match).