Absence from School

If your child is absent there are several ways absences can be reported to the school.

  • Use the form below to submit an absence.

  • Via telephone using the absence line 09 5758311.

The Attendance Register is taken at the beginning of the day.

Submit an Absence

Signing out at School Office

If a child needs to leave the school grounds during school hours, parents/caregivers of that student, where possible, should notify the classroom teacher before the start of the school day.

All parents must report to the school office to sign the student out and only then will the student be sent for. Please do not take students directly from classrooms. We appreciate all appointments being scheduled outside of school hours wherever possible to minimise disruptions.

Student Leave Request

Schools have a legal responsibility to ensure that the attendance of all pupils is satisfactory. Attendance records of all pupils are faithfully maintained in the register and an audit is carried out each term. 

From time to time, parents may wish to take their children out of school for an extended period of time.  A 'Student Leave Request Form' must be completed in advance of any planned trips during term time and must be approved by the school principal.  We do not provide school work for any trips taken during term time.

To ensure that a place is retained for your child or children, and as a matter of courtesy, you must request leave of absence from the school in writing. Without leave authority, we are required to remove a pupil from the roll after 20 days' absence.

The form is available here:

Report an Absence

For safety reasons, it is most important that we can account for students who are absent from his or her classroom.