Core Curriculum - Educating for Excellence

The school curriculum is made up of eight essential learning areas that are prescribed by the Ministry of Education.

Eight Essential Learning areas

  • English

  • Mathematics & Statistics

  • Science

  • Technology

  • Social Sciences

  • Health & Physical Education

  • The Arts

  • Learning Languages

Five Key Competencies

Underpinning the curriculum areas are five key competencies.

  • Thinking

  • Understanding language, symbols and texts

  • Relating to others

  • Managing self

  • Participating & Contributing

Inquiry Learning

Inquiry Learning is a school-wide approach to learning, where many of the essential learning areas are taught through an Inquiry model:

  • St Heliers School Inquiry Learning enables students to become responsible, self-directed, and life-long learners, who are critical thinkers and effective problem solvers, with the ability to ask and act upon higher order questions.

  • Our Inquiry Learning model gives the learner a focused approach through which they can search for meaning, construct understanding, build knowledge, and respond to big ideas and key concepts.

  • Inquiry Learning is guided by the investigation of concepts which are authentic, relevant, challenging, engaging and globally transferrable. Inquiry Learning encourages a response resulting in a change in thinking and/or positive action, for the benefit of the learner and others.

St Heliers School has partnered with Mitey, to grow and support the mental health and wellbeing of all our children. The Sir John Kirwan Foundation designed Mitey with NZ teachers and the University of Auckland to provide an evidence-based approach to teaching mental health education to primary and intermediate aged children.

It is built around the NZ curriculum and embedded into everyday learning, to ensure children are equipped with the age-appropriate skills and knowledge they need to recognise and respond to mental health issues in both themselves and others before they enter their teenage years. 

Partnering with Mitey allows our school to be part of a transformational change for young people by enabling them to nurture their mental health - and that of others - for the rest of their lives.

Curriculum Management

Essential Learning Areas

The essential learning areas have a specified allocation of teaching and learning time for all students:

  • Student achievement is systematically monitored and learning challenges are identified.

  • Planning of individual classroom programmes is focused on programmes that reflect our St Heliers School Local curriculum and the New Zealand Curriculum Framework intent.

  • Year 7 and 8 students receive technology programmes at Selwyn College - an approved Technology Training Centre.

  • Year 7 and 8 students take Science as a specialist subject at our school with a science-trained secondary teacher.

  • Mandarin is taught from Year 1-8. From time to time a Mandarin Learning Assistant supports the classroom programmes.

  • Learning support programmes are provided for students with identified needs.

  • Gifted and talented students are given opportunities to extend their learning.


St Heliers School has a policy of providing homework for children on a regular basis. This promotes good work habits, learning to work independently and provides an opportunity for parents and children to share in learning experiences.

In no case is this ever excessive and should always be set at an age-appropriate level. If you have any questions regarding the homework set, please contact your child's teacher.