
The school curriculum is made up of eight essential learning areas that are prescribed by the Ministry of Education.

Sport is an integral part of the school curriculum and all students are expected to participate in organised programmes to develop physical skills, co-ordination, learn co-operation and determination.

Classroom sports programmes occur weekly or twice weekly, as well as regular short fitness exercises.

If your child cannot participate for any medical reason, we request a notice from the parent or caregiver outlining the reasons.

Highlights of our Sports year include:

  • Bay Suburbs Sports

  • Eastern Zone Sports

  • Cross Country

  • Year 1-3 Fun Athletics Day

  • Year 4-8 Athletics Day

  • Year 4-8 Swimming Sports

  • The AIMS Games

Sports Code of Conduct

St Heliers School aims to provide a safe, inclusive and enjoyable environment for all students involved in sporting activities, where everyone is treated with respect and courtesy. 

    • Lead by example and be a positive role model.

    • Follow the principles of fair play.

    • Respect the rights and values of others.

    • Be considerate and treat everyone fairly and equally.

    • Support players to reach their full potential keeping in mind their individual talents.

    • Be committed to providing a quality service and sporting environment.

    • Display courtesy, respect, honesty and professionalism to everyone involved. 

    • Give every player your equal attention and time.

    • Be appreciative of officials, respect their decisions and encourage your team to do the same.

    • Always be positive. Never shout or put down players.

    • Respect players’ efforts regardless of the end result.

    • Keep winning and losing in perspective with personal challenge and enjoyment.

    • Lead by example and be a positive role model for your child.

    • Remember your child’s enjoyment of the activity / sport is most important.

    • Encourage your child, and other people’s children, in their efforts in sport.

    • Encourage your child to play fair and by the rules of the sport.

    • Make an effort to understand the rules of the game.

    • Respect your child’s efforts regardless of the end result.

    • Display self-control on the sideline.

    • Be positive. Never shout or put down players.

    • Support good play and applaud good performance from all competitors.

    • Show your appreciation to people who volunteer their time so your child can play.

    • Remember that your child plays sport for their reasons, not yours.

    • Be appreciative of officials, coaches, supervisors and team managers, and respect their decisions.

  • Good sportsmanship is about having a positive attitude.

    Play your part - play fair. To the best of your ability, you will:

    • Uphold St Heliers School rules and values at all times, both on and off the field.

    • Play the game within the rules and abide by the principles of fair play.

    • Be a good sport and recognise good players and good play by all involved.

    • Help others in your team when you can.

    • Respect opponents, officials and team members.

    • Be humble in both success and defeat.

    • Listen to, and follow, coaches, managers and captains instructions to the best of your ability.

    • Remember to thank your coach, the officials, the opposition and supporters.

    • Attend all training sessions and games. When this is not possible tell your coach or manager.

    • Arrive on time, prepared and ready to play.

    • Wear the correct St Heliers School sports uniform.

    • If selected to be a captain, lead by example in terms of behaviour and attitude.

    • Help ensure all equipment and facilities are maintained in good condition.

    • Work hard for your team as well as yourself.

St Heliers School Sports Processes

Interschool Sports Tournaments (Year 5-8)

Year 5-8 students have the opportunity to compete in a number of sporting codes against other Primary and Intermediate schools. It is an achievement and privilege to represent St Heliers School at a sports event.

Year 5 & 6 Bay Suburbs

(comprises nine schools in the Bay Suburbs area)

Year 7 & 8 Eastern Zone

(comprises over 20 schools in the Eastern Zone)

Year 7 & 8 Auckland Champs

(comprises top teams and individuals from Eastern Zone tournaments)

    • Sports Coordinator attends Bay Suburbs and Eastern Zone meetings once a term.

    • Tournaments advised and agreed on with Team Leader.

    • Tournament dates confirmed on St Heliers School website.

    • Teachers determine number of interested students.

    • If student interest exceeds available spaces, trials held by teachers and occasionally volunteer parents and caregivers.

    • Trials held either before school, during PE, lunch, or after school.

    • Teams selected.

    • Students, parents, caregivers and teachers advised of selection and tournament information.

    • Tournament attended.

    • Students may trial for any Bay Suburbs or Eastern Zone sport offered

    • Students who miss trials for any reason, including illness, injury, family holidays and events, will not be considered for a team

    • Students must be able to commit to training times and the tournament date

    • All students must trial regardless of whether they compete in an existing team

    • Students will be selected based on effort, teamwork, skill, fitness and upholding the St Heliers School values

    • The teacher’s selection is final

    • Tournaments are coordinated and managed by St Heliers School together with parent and caregiver support.

    • Tournament Organisers advise entry numbers, criteria and rules.

    • Where only one team per gender can be entered (Year 5&6 / Year 7&8) the makeup of the team is at the teachers’ discretion.

    • St Heliers School is reliant on the generous support of parents, caregivers, wider family and the community for assisting with coaching, supervision and management of students and transport.

    • Student numbers dictate teacher attendance at events - typically one or two teachers will attend.

    • For smaller events, or where numbers are lower, St Heliers School may be wholly reliant on parents or caregivers to provide supervision and team.

    • If insufficient help is available to meet Health and Safety commitments, it may be necessary to remove a team from an event.

    • St Heliers School Sports Code of Conduct is signed at the beginning of each year by Year 5-8 students.

    • Students who do not follow the Code of Conduct may be removed from the team and / or selection process.

    • Students are responsible for informing parents and caregivers of training times.

    • Students are responsible for advising the Teacher in Charge and Coach (if practical) if they are unable to fulfill their commitments.

    • Students who miss training sessions due to illness or injury may be withdrawn from the team at the teacher's discretion (this would occur if a student’s absence is detrimental to the team’s ability to play).

    • Training before school will go ahead in all weather conditions. Students are expected to arrive at the agreed time and if the weather is unfavourable they will have a whiteboard session indoors with the teacher.

    • Teachers may select and announce reserve players in the team. Reserves will train with the team and only attend the tournament if additional players are required due to illness or injury.

    • Bay Suburbs Cross Country is an exception, where Year 4 students compete alongside Years 5-6.

    • Auckland Champs - top Year 7&8 teams and individuals from each zone are selected to compete at these events.

    • Teams or individuals wishing to compete in a sports tournament not offered as a code within Bay Suburbs or Eastern Zone sports may do so at the discretion of the Principal. These events would be organised and managed by parents and caregivers and must be communicated to teachers and team leaders.

    • The Auckland Association of Intermediate and Middle schools (AAIMS) is the governing body for all Year 7&8 sports in the Auckland region.

AIMS Games
(Year 7-8)

AIMS Games is one of Australasia’s largest junior sporting events held annually in Tauranga, and gives 11, 12 and 13 year olds an opportunity to compete as individuals or part of a team against their peers in NZ and other invited countries across a number of sporting codes.

    • Notice sent by Sports Coordinator to parents and caregivers to determine interest in managing teams.

    • Team sports presented to Year 7-8 students.

    • Trials held (if numbers interested exceed spaces available).

    • Teams selected.

    • AIMS is coordinated by St Heliers School, and managed by parents and caregivers.

    • Students may trial for any offered sport.

    • Students may compete in one team sport only.

    • Students selected for teams from the previous year must retrial along with any other interested students, as it is not an automatic entry.

    • Students may compete in individual and team events, however, team events take priority - students must be available to attend all team activities and games.

    • If students trial for more than one team sport and are subsequently selected for two teams, they will confirm their preference to the Sports Coordinator prior to teams being announced.

    • Coaches and Managers’ children are automatically selected.

    • St Heliers School Sports Code of Conduct is signed at the beginning of each year by Year 7-8 students.

    • Students who do not follow the Code of Conduct may be removed from the team and/or selection process by the Senior Leadership Team in consultation with the Coach.

    • Students are responsible for advising the Coach if they are unable to fulfill their commitments.

    • Students who miss training sessions due to illness or injury may be withdrawn from the team following discussion between parents and the Coach.

    • General games communications

    • Registration and payment

    • Health and Safety

    • Approval

    • Team communications.

    • Defining the selection process and criteria.

    • Trials.

    • Selections.

    • Training.

    • Financial requirements.

    • Accommodation, transport, food, activities, uniforms, fundraising, parent support and management.

    • Health and Safety.

    • Management of team while at AIMS, including at the event and outside of the event.

    • Following the Team Manager and Coaches Code of Conduct.

  • Team Manager - Role and Responsibility

    Code of Conduct - Coaches, Team Managers, Parents Supporters

    Student Code of Conduct

    Note that editable versions of the Parent/Caregiver Consent and the Safety Action Plan (SAP) will be shared with you by the St Heliers School Sports Coordinator once you have approval by the Principal.

    Parent/Caregiver Consent

    Safety Action Plan (SAP)

St Heliers School Sports Events
(Year 4-8)

Held by St Heliers School

  • St Heliers School Swimming Year 5-8 (Term 1)

  • St Heliers School Cross Country Year 4-8 (Term 3)

  • St Heliers School Athletics Year 5-8 (Term 4) 

Following these events, students may be selected to compete at the next level of competition as follows:

  • Bay Suburbs (Year 5-6 Boys and Girls)

    • Two entries per school for each age grade: 25m Freestyle, 25m Backstroke, 25m Breaststroke.

    • One entry per school for each age grade: 4x25m Freestyle Relay.

    • Open events (Year 5-6 combined) two entries for boys and girls: 25m Butterfly, 50m Freestyle, Individual Medley.

      Eastern Zone
      (Year 7-8 Boys and Girls)

    • Three entries per school for each age grade: 50m Freestyle, 50m Backstroke, 50m Breaststroke.

    • One entry per school for each age grade: 4x50m Freestyle Relay.

    • Open events (Year 7-8 combined) two entries for boys and girls: 50m Butterfly, 100m Freestyle.

    • Open events (Year 7-8 combined) one entry for boys and girls: Individual Medley.

      Cross Country

    • Top 8 Year 4-6 finishers from each age grade represent SHS at Bay Suburbs Cross Country.

    • Top 8 Year 7-8 finishers from each age grade represent SHS at Eastern Zone Cross Country.

    • Top 10 individuals at Eastern Zone from each age grade represent the Eastern Zone at Auckland Champs.

    • Top team at Eastern Zone from each age grade represent the Eastern Zone at Auckland Champs.

  • Bay Suburbs (Year 5-6 Boys and Girls)

    • Three entries per school for each age grade: 100m, 200m, discus, shot put.

    • Two entries per school for each age grade: 400m, 800m, long jump, high jump

    • One entry per school for each age grade: 4 x 100m relay

      Eastern Zone (Year 7-8 Boys and Girls)

    • Two entries per school for each age grade: 100m, 200m, 800m, 1500m, long jump, discus, shot put

    • One entry per school for each age grade: 400m, high jump, 4 x 100 relay.


    • The above criteria is subject to change from Bay Suburbs and Eastern Zone Tournament Organisers.

    • Reserves are not considered for any of the above events.

    • Tournaments are coordinated and managed by St Heliers School together with parent and caregiver support.

    • Tournament Organisers advise entry numbers, criteria and rules.

    • Where only one team per gender can be entered (Year 5&6 / Year 7&8) the makeup of the team is at the teachers’ discretion.

    • St Heliers School is reliant on the generous support of parents, caregivers, wider family and the community for assisting with coaching, supervision and management of students and transport.

    • Student numbers dictate teacher attendance at events - typically one or two teachers will attend.

    • For smaller events, or where numbers are lower, St Heliers School may be wholly reliant on parents or caregivers to provide supervision and team.

    • If insufficient help is available to meet Health and Safety commitments, it may be necessary to remove a team from an event.

    • St Heliers School Sports Code of Conduct is signed at the beginning of each year by Year 5-8 students.

    • Students who do not follow the Code of Conduct may be removed from the team and / or selection process.

    • Students are responsible for informing parents and caregivers of training times.

    • Students are responsible for advising the Teacher in Charge and Coach (if practical) if they are unable to fulfill their commitments.

    • Students who miss training sessions due to illness or injury may be withdrawn from the team at the teacher's discretion (this would occur if a student’s absence is detrimental to the team’s ability to play).

    • Training before school will go ahead in all weather conditions. Students are expected to arrive at the agreed time and if the weather is unfavourable they will have a whiteboard session indoors with the teacher.

    • Teachers may select and announce reserve players in the team. Reserves will train with the team and only attend the tournament if additional players are required due to illness or injury.

    • Bay Suburbs Cross Country is an exception, where Year 4 students compete alongside Years 5-6.

    • Auckland Champs - top Year 7&8 teams and individuals from each zone are selected to compete at these events.

    • Teams or individuals wishing to compete in a sports tournament not offered as a code within Bay Suburbs or Eastern Zone sports may do so at the discretion of the Principal. These events would be organised and managed by parents and caregivers and must be communicated to teachers and team leaders.

    • The Auckland Association of Intermediate and Middle schools (AAIMS) is the governing body for all Year 7&8 sports in the Auckland region.

Sports Outside of St Heliers School (Year 2-8)

The following are some of the popular sports offered by clubs and sports organisations outside of St Heliers School: 

Athletics, Baseball, Basketball, Cricket, Dance, Flippaball, Football, Futsal, Gymnastics, Martial Arts, Netball, Rugby, Sailing, Squash, Tennis, Touch, Waterpolo and Swimming.

    • Parents and caregivers are responsible for the organisation and management of sports outside of St Heliers School.

    • St Heliers School will register teams if a sports organisation requires a central point of contact.

    • St Heliers School will advertise sports through the St Heliers School newsletter at the request of parents, caregivers and sports organisations.

For more information on what sports are available and who to contact refer to: