School Lunches
St Heliers School offers the highest standards of education for primary and intermediate school students.
You can order healthy and delicious lunches through Kindo. Simple and easy. School lunch orders are available on Monday, Thursday, and Friday.
You will be able to order (or cancel an order) any time before 9:00 am on the day or schedule in advance.
Your child's lunch will be delivered to the school in time for lunch eating.
Orders are made online through your myKindo account. One account for the whole family. Get started now by visiting our payment page.
For ingredient information please click on the ‘i’, next to the menu item. It is also possible for Kindo to store allergen information so that future lunch orders adhere to dietary restrictions. Click the My Details tab on the menu, then scroll to the bottom and select an option from the dropdown box
under Allergy Alert.
Please make sure to press save and continue at the top right after entering in the allergy alert.