Excellence at St Heliers School

Well done to all those who took part in the Kiwi Competitions in English, Maths or Science.

Well done to those who participated.

Well done to those who received an Achieved certificate - 50 - 70 percentile

Well done to those who received a Merit certificate - 75 - 90 percentile

Well done to those who received an Excellence Certificate - 90 - 99 percentile

English Excellence - Y5/6 - Ella H, Avery M

Mathmatics Excellence - Y5/6 - Casper J, Emily B, Chloe S

Science Excellence - Y5/6 - Deeya B, Nixon H, Chloe S

English Excellence - Y7/8 - Ryan C, Ella C, Charlotte G, Luke M

Mathematics Excellence - Y7/8 - Zara C, Arthur G, Tianchen Y, Ryan C, Lucas P

Science Excellence - Y7/8 - Luke M


Success at Bay Suburbs Athletics for Year 5 and 6.


Taste and Tunes of St Heliers a Huge Success!