Paikea Climb Te Tauere/Mt Taylor

On a clear and blustery Thursday 30 May, as part of the Term 2 Inquiry "Te Maunga/Volcanoes!", Paikea (Year 3 / 4 ) students, teachers, and parent help had a wonderful hikoi to/from /up and down our closest volcano, Te Taurere/Mt Taylor. It was a very memorable and information-rich trip from start to finish (9,422 steps), thanks in no small way to the TREMENDOUS parent support and the exceptional student behaviour throughout the busy afternoon. After reaching the summit and taking in the view and history and geological features, Paikea students spent the rest of the afternoon on the wonderful playground at Crossfields Reserve, eating and climbing, skipping and playing basketball in the sunshine before heading back to kura in time for the final bell.


Stunning Day at the Bay Suburbs Rugby Tournament


Pink Shirt Day