Pakakē Trip to MOTAT

On Monday the 10th and Tuesday the 11th of June. The year 5 & 6 Pakake team went on a field trip to MOTAT, a museum of Transport and Technology. We went to Motat to learn more about Aotearoa New Zealand Histories. There were three stages to our trip,  we got to explore the campus and we went to everyone’s favourite, the science and technology room. Our favourite part was the art area but everyone else loved the friction slide. We explored the old village and completed a short scavenger hunt. Next was the tram ride. The last stage was a classroom lesson about different parts of New Zealand’s history including native animals, traditional Maori tools and objects, the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, and ANZAC memorabilia. Our favourite items were a Morse code machine, an old-fashioned feather ink pen, a Maori wooden drill, and a conch shell. We learnt so much on this trip. We really hope we can visit MOTAT again!

 By, Mila Nock & Liya van Zyl


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