Patsy’s Farewell

It was with sadness that we said farewell to our DP of 16 years, Mrs Patsy Torrie, at the end of Term 1.

We held a staff social function on Friday 5 April and in the last week of term there was a whole school special assembly on Wednesday 10 April, followed by a final farewell on the last day of term.

Mrs Torrie wanted to pass on her appreciation for all the fond farewells and gifts the community gave, and also the large gift given by all those who contributed to the community fund. On behalf of the community at the final assembly, Patsy was presented with an iPad Pro with a portable keyboard. This is something she indicated she really would appreciate and use. We chose a pink one for Pasty!

We wish all the best for the adventures which lie ahead. I’m sure it’s not the last we have seen of Mrs Torrie!


New Staff Term Two


Harmony Day