Year 5 Maths Enrichment

The Year 5 Mathematics Enrichment Class has started this term at St Heliers School. The class meets once a week and concentrates on Problem Solving and Rich Learning Tasks. The Big Idea is to enrich students' mathematical knowledge by letting them work together. They can use each other to clarify questions, test new ideas, and explore multiple approaches to a problem.

Feedback from Students:

"It was fun and challenged me to think, I enjoyed working as a team to come up with a solution. I am so happy to be in this programme, because it is extending my knowledge".

"It made us think about possible answers. It was fun to engage in a Rich Task – and we had to work hard to get the best possible strategy".

"On Tuesday, we had so much fun learning about the fun side of math, such as when we learnt the magic of 37 (4x3=12x37=444   8x3=24x37=888 etc) and making soldiers with playing cards, to develop our best strategic plan, in our Rich Learning Task”. 

Helen Rooke (Maths Enrichment Teacher)


Red Nose Day


We Have Amazing Parents!