Great Morning at School Cross Country

After 2 years of terrible weather and the prior two years of isolation we finally had the perfect conditions for cross country on Friday 16 August. This also meant we had lots of parent support throughout the morning.There was lots of cheers of encouragement for the children who really put in a lot of effort to complete the course at Churchill Park.

Thank you to all the teachers who were enthusiastic and encouraging, Raewyn for tending to the injuries at the field medical centre, Sarah O and Jenny at the finish line.

Bay Suburbs abd Eastern Zone Cross Country is on 29 August at Churchill Park. Remember we do not take number 9 if one of the top 8 runners does not compete for any reason.

2024 Cross Country & House Points Results: 

A huge thank you to the parents who helped out on the day as Marshals.

Kathy Harding

Jyl Lind

Mel King

David King

Nigel Richardson

Kelly Thomas

Vincent Vuillard

Janine Wiles

Ruth Bannister

Esme murphy

Warwick Church


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