Tech Team 2024

The Year 7 & 8 Tech Team specializes in helping at assemblies with setting up the assembly slides, managing the projector, microphones and sound system. 

This year we have 15 members of our Tech Team, who have been trained up to support the teachers and each of our teams with the hall sound system, Chrome and iPad updates and general management of digital resources throughout the school. 

During the last school holidays, the school upgraded the controls for our sound system in the hall and all of the Tech Team undertook training with Mrs Wood. The new system has improved the sound in the hall, simplified the controls and incorporated a new bluetooth system. 

The Tech Team is a role that you can apply for in Year 7 & 8 at the start of each year. Mrs Wood sends a Google Form to all Year 7 and 8 students in term 1 of each year. 

Our senior students do a fabulous job of taking it in turns to learn, support, teach and lead each assembly. 

We had two students absent from our recent training session but I would like to recognise and thank all 15 students - Braden S, Brooke H, Thomas B, Evie B, Mia M, Emery VZ, Ella C, Juliano T, Theshanya G, Boaz L, Namoe M, Blake B, Mia F, Ella C,Lucas C, Austen U and James P.


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